Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress.com. This is my new blog about woodworking, my eBay experiences and other items rattling around in my head.


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Thinking about my wood shop arrangement.

 After the holidays I begin to think about the arrangement of my basement wood shop … tools, supplies, wood inventory, stationary machines … and how to improve the work flow.  More on this in a future blog as my plans evolve and I get closer to the annual “spring cleaning”.

Featured wood shop product: MUSIC CONDUTOR BATONS

I craft a number of wood items for sale in my eBay Store: Ironbrook Wood Works.

The most popular item I make are music batons for conductors, band leaders and choir directors.


Shown above is an assortment of music batons crafted in exotic hardwoods from around the world.

RedDotEbonBlk1a  MusicBatonBox1a

Music batons have been a popular seller for me on eBay, especially since each is sent in a custom baton box. Gift boxes, like the one shown above on the right, was an innovation which doubled my holiday sales.  Another product I introduced in 2010 was the black shaft as an option on music conductor batons. I’m the only one on eBay offering these and they are selling surprisingly well.  Shown is an Ebony baton with black shaft, above left.

Recently I began crafting the baton handles on a screw mandrel (attached to my Craftsman wood lathe) which allows me to make a smooth round bottom.  These are similar to classic baton styles available to conductors for many years.  I still make baton handles on a pen mandrel and finishing the base of the handle with a bright brass button.  Some makers do this and finish with plug inserts of contrasting wood or other material like mother of pearl.  One uses an insert called a Parisian Eye.

By May my goal is to have the music batons for sale on Amazon.com and to develop a web site for direct sales.

That’s it for now. Keep making chips and sawdust, George

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